I’m a reader. You probably know that by now. This adventure of a year that I’m having all started out with a goal of reading more books. I had no idea, no idea, that very goal would lead me here. I just thought it would be nice to be a little more intentional about reading books rather than scrolling Facebook or watching television in my downtime.
Anyhow, that is a story for another day, but one benefit of setting a goal to read more books this year is…wait for it…I read lots of books. Tada!
Surprising, I know. But I really did. I blew my goal for the year out of the water by about March and just kept on going. I stretched my brain and my heart, in all kinds of ways I wasn’t even expecting when I threw down this casual challenge, but books are just that – tools that can take you places you never knew you needed to go.
Some were great. Some were not so great, but here’s the deal – Amazon is offering up another awesome book coupon. This one is good for 25% off any book you order before Monday the 14th with code 25OFFBOOK. Yay!
Books are on the top of my Christmas list this year. And nearly every year. I love my local library and make trips there with my tribe every week, but I have this thing for books. I like to own them. I like to write in them. And libraries just don’t like that so well. So I try to control myself and get most of my books from the library, but some books just need to be owned. And when Amazon offers up a coupon. Well, you know where this is going.
Anyhow, I thought I’d share with you a few of my absolutes favorites from this year. Buy one as a gift, buy one for your friend, just use your 25% off code and get shopping!
Oh and just so you know some of these links may be affiliate links, which I always must disclose to you all. That simply means if you use one of the Amazon links to place your order it supports this blog at no cost to you, which is always kind of awesome. Thanks!
1.Every Bitter Thing Is Sweet by Sara Hagerty. This book was altogether unsettling and eye-opening for me. In a good way. I want to talk to God like this girl. Her authenticity is beautiful and I absolutely love the way she writes.
2. Own Your Life by Sally Clarkson. I am a huge Sally Clarkson fan, but oddly, I didn’t really expect to love this book. I thought I was kind of already owning my life. I should have known better. It’s SALLY CLARKSON, people. She is darn near the perfect mentor, full of grace and encouragement for mamas yet not throwing out a bunch fluff. She proclaims truth boldly and beautifully, yet breaks it down practically. Highly recommend.
3. The Best Yes by Lysa TerKeurst. I’ve mentioned this one before, but Lysa TerKeurst’s words are still ringing in my head months after I’ve shut the book. Once again, I didn’t really expect to love this one as much as I did, but I’m pretty sure I’ll even be reading it a second time around at some point. And I pretty much never do that. With the coupon code this one is just over $6! Stocking stuffer, anyone?
4. Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead. Oh boy. This is one that will bridge the gap between my best books of the year and best books of all time lists. It’s that good. I love how Brown can discuss heady topics in plain language and integrate stories to make it all quite captivating. This book was a cog in my own personal call to courage and if you haven’t read it yet now is the time.
5. The Four Dimensions of Extraordinary Leadership by Jenni Catron. I was lucky enough to get to read an advanced copy of this book as part of Jenni Catron’s launch team, but I reserve the right to my own opinions on it – and it’s great! I’ll actually have a full review coming in a few weeks. But just know that, while a “business” book, it has such great applicability for parenting. Building influence and rapport, leading in chaos, monitoring physical and emotional needs – sounds like motherhood to me. 🙂
6.Teaching from Rest: A Homeschooler’s Guide to Unshakable Peace by Sarah Mackenzie. Homeschoolers, this book is flat awesome. Sarah Mackenzie is awesome. Her ideas cut to the heart of education and I almost wish this wasn’t a homeschooling book because her insights, the truth she speaks, needs to be heard by every woman. Except they may not love the homeschoolish parts of this book. If you have a homeschooler in your life, please give them the gift of this book!
I want to keep going but I think I’ll stop right there. It feels like a good division between the books I really loved and just sort of liked this year. If you are looking for other newly released book ideas, I’d suggest Audacious, Big Magic, Simply Tuesday. Each of these have been recommended to me, are on my short list of books to read next and would make a pretty fabulous gift as well.
So there you go! Use that code for one of these books or any other great book you find. Just remember, it expires on the 14th.
Happy Shopping and if you need more ideas feel free to check out my list of great family read alouds and Christmas Books that Bond Families!
What about you? Read any great books this year? If so I’d love to hear about them. I’m always adding to my reading list!
Charlotte’s Web in Spanish is a pretty good read – a good way to analyze verb tenses. Oh! Also in general the NIV in Spanish is great too because I’m so familiar with the words I absorb new vocabulary quickly. This blog post made me a bit envious. Next year I hope to be reading….in English….again. The leadership boom spoke to me this morning. I’m just going to follow that rabbit trail link right now. Thanks Katie, keep the reading lists coming.
You make me laugh. I’ll have to let you post a list of Spanish book recommendations some day….because I have nothing to offer there! 😉
This is great, Katie! I just wrote a post about 3 out of my 4 top books of 2015…Great minds, right? 🙂 I will have to get EVERY BITTER THING IS SWEET…I’ve heard a lot of good things about it. And I LOVE Sally Clarkson’ s blog. 🙂
Ooh, Kelly, if you love VosKamp I can almost guarantee you’ll love Every Bitter Thing. Not quite the same writing style but just as thought provoking. Heads up, Sally has a new book, The Life-Giving Home, coming out in just a few months! I’m already anticipating straight up brilliance there. 🙂