In this transition to a new year, we hear much about planning and looking ahead. But what if, in this fast shift of focus, we forget to treasure all that lay behind. The art of remembering is important, friends. Let’s not miss this.
These days right here are some of my favorite of the entire year. It’s not Christmas, but not quite the new year. It’s the last bits and pieces -fragments of the calendar- a little blurry and soft around the edges.
But these days are not to be disregarded or undervalued. This in between holds weight and meaning.
Right about now our news feeds and inboxes are filling up with all of the goal setting ideas for the year ahead. Inspiration and hope and all the feel good words abound, but I believe there is work to be done before going there.
What if this week we did some of the most important work of the year?
What if this week, we remembered?
At the helm of this year one of my few resolutions was to read the Bible. All of it. In a year. This simple and yet challenging goal was something I had never done, or even attempted, before. I wanted to see if I could do it.
I had my doubts. This would be no small commitment and the demands of life with kids can make reading and study time inconsistent. However, I’m a reader, and I decided if I can make time to read dozens of books each year, then I should be able to read the Book I value the most, in a year.
The impact of this goal, and the daily discipline of stepping toward it, has been far greater than I imagined and is likely worthy of its own blog post. But one of the benefits has been seeing major themes throughout Scripture.
Consumed in large doses, certain recurring patterns and themes stood out to me in ways I hadn’t recognized or noticed before.
One of those is the call to remember.
The word first appears in Scripture with God’s promise to remember His covenant after the flood and it just keeps showing up throughout Scripture from there.
Leaving Egypt, Moses instructs the Israelites to “Remember this day in which you went out of Egypt.” And “tell your son in that day, saying ‘This is what the Lord did for me when I came up from Egypt.’” (Exodus 13:3,8)
The Israelites are commanded to remember what God did in the wilderness (Deut. 8:2) and in Joshua, as they are about to cross the Jordan, they are commanded to remember the blessings the Lord spoke over them through Moses (Jos 1:13).
Continue reading and you will hear it over and over again.
He has made His wonderful works to be remembered. Ps 111:4
O God, You have taught me from my youth and to this day I declare Your wondrous works Ps. 71:16
But I wonder, how well do we actually do this? The plight of the Israelites evidences their repeated forgetfulness (and the grace and mercy of a loving God in the midst of that) and I wonder – are we any different?
We often jump with eagerness into all things new. We readily worship with gratitude when we see the blessing set before us. But when the dust settles and the world gets quieter, when we find ourselves standing in the last bits of another year – do we honor Him by remembering?
Some trust in chariots and some in horses; but we will remember the name of the Lord our God. Psalm 20:7
This is my challenge to you, friend, here. There is value in setting goals and dreaming big. But before you go there, bravely begin here. Remember what He has done. Look back and trace His fingerprints over the last year of life, this gift you have been given. Below are 15 questions to get you started.
Reflect and choose to trust Him with everything you see and all that you don’t. He is at work and I, for one, don’t want to miss it.
Wishing you a brave New Year, friend. As always, I am blessed to walk beside you.
Where did you see God at work this year?
What have you prayed about most this year?
What prayers did you see answered in expected or unexpected ways?
What surprised you this year?
How has your faith grown?
What have you feared? Where have you doubted?
What have you read or memorized this year?
This is an honest assessment, friend. There are no right or wrong answers.
How would you like to pursue God more in the year ahead?
What are you believing Him for?
What are you surrendering, laying at His feet, in the year ahead?
What are you trusting Him with?
What holy habit would you like to form?
What are some simple and practical ways you can make this happen?
What big, crazy dream will you begin talking to Him about, trusting Him with?
Who will you talk to about this?
Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:19
Prayer for a New Year
God, at the completion of another year we thank you. For days and years that are gifts, none of which are guaranteed or deserved, we acknowledge Your providence here and thank You. As we reflect upon this gift, Lord, give us eyes to see Your goodness anew. May your Holy Spirit give us wisdom to see entirely new ways you are working things out for our good and growing in us a faith that believes long beyond what we see. We know you are good, God. We know you are for us. Help us to believe.
As we turn our eyes to the year ahead, Lord let us not forget your faithfulness here, in the present and in the past. You have proven yourself faithful again and again, teach us to remember, God. Teach us to speak of your Truth, to the tell the stories of Your goodness again and again that we might be a people who boast of your goodness, a people who remember.
Thank you for Your gracious care and faithful guidance yesterday, today and forever, God. We are fully underserving and wholly grateful. May you be glorified by our thoughts, in actions, and in every step we take in the year ahead. We surrender it now and thank you for it. Amen.
This is so great. I’ve had quite a year and it’s really helpful to pause, remember and WRITE IT DOWN! I can’t believe the things that have happened this year. My husband was dead set against more children and fast forward to a year and 32 hours of class and a stressful Summer with a 14 year old thrown into our home and we are foster parents. It’s been quite a year and HIS fingerprints are ALL over it. Write it down because as amazing as it was and is, you will forget it! I want to be able to read back through these answered prayers or crazy events. I want to read them to my grandchildren. It’s so important to remember when your in the midst of the storm to go back and look at Gods grace and faithfulness and Remember that it’s all going to be ok.
Yes, Christy, yes! This is it exactly – a remembrance of His faithfulness today and a record of it for tomorrow. Thank you for sharing a bit of your story here.
You’re such a great writer. And hit it ‘spot on’ on all your topics. Great job! I thoroughly enjoy reading your articles!
Thank you for your kind words, Maria. Happy New Year!