Authentic, intentional, transparent.
Good things these words. But they are big. Big words. Like one of those gigantically fabulous deli sandwiches, slathered with condiments, stuffed with vegetables and stacked with meats of every sort. You are ready to dive in, if you can figure out how to get your mouth around it.
Those words sound nice on paper (on screen?), in a blog post. But then we try to live them out and we are a mess. Please tell me I’m not the only one who is a mess.
Ten minutes (five?) after we’re done reading about them we are back to life as usual. Doing this parenting thing, this marriage thing, this God thing, the same old way. The only way we know how.
So what does it mean to be brave? Intentionally brave, authentically brave, brave enough to be transparent. I want to flesh these out with you. On a real and basic level we’ll work through them and on them. One at a time. For our marriages, for our friendships, for our children, our community and our faith. We’ll do this bravely.
Starting tomorrow. See ya then!
Habits are so hard to break. Especially our thought habits. Obviously if it was up to us, we’d never be able to accomplish those big words. But with God on our side, we are invincible!
Yes to that!