“Wait, you were line dancing, mom?” My ten year old questioned me suspiciously as I told him about the wedding his dad and I attended the evening before.
“Yes, yes, I was line dancing.”
I couldn’t read his reaction right away – couldn’t tell if he thought his mom was weird or too old for that. Or maybe he was just thrown off because line dancing doesn’t make a frequent appearance in our home, but he was clearly having trouble processing this.
“Because you like line dancing?”
He stumped me a bit with that question. I didn’t have an immediate answer. So I just spilled my honest thoughts right out on him.
“You know, buddy, I don’t know if I like line dancing or not. I haven’t tried it enough to really decide. But what I do know, is that standing on the sidelines, the prospect of dancing made me feel a little shy inside. When a friend of mine asked me to come out and line dance with her, I quickly responded with “no, thanks” because, I might not have caught on quickly and I might have looked silly out there, you know.
I decided I’d rather pass.
But the longer I stood there the more I realized that looking silly is a pretty ridiculous thing to be scared of. We have to be willing to risk looking silly in order to learn any new thing. Ever. So I walked out on the dance floor and joined the dance.”
And that’s how it went with line dancing. And that’s how it goes with writing, or running, learning a new hobby or trying anything new, really.
There is always the resistance of knowing you might look ridiculous. There is always the resistance of knowing you might not catch on right away. But just beyond that resistance lies every opportunity to learn something new, to try something different, to build your brave muscle, your fearless heart because, for better or worse, you did it. You fought fear and tried.
I can’t get over the story in the book of Joshua of God parting the Jordan River for the Israelites. God parted water twice. You know that, right? For some reason the Red Sea gets all of the attention, but the Jordan River is almost more stunning to me, because God was growing the Israelites’ brave. He was growing their faith in Him.
These Israelites knew God had done it once, but this time God did not pull back the water until they stepped in. How awesome is that?
I wonder if they stood around for awhile on the banks of the river wondering if they were going to make fools of themselves by stepping in. I wonder if those priest carrying the ark and leading the pack had butterflies as they stepped into the river, which was at flood stage. However they felt, they stepped. And it made all the difference.
Now, I’m not comparing line dancing to parting waters here. But I believe that in order to live boldly and bravely, in order to grow a big and wild faith, in order to live whole-heartedly (as Brene’ Brown would term it) and not shrivel up under the weight of our own insecurities, we must condition ourselves to stepping in, to saying yes, to growing brave.
So after I after unloaded my line dancing theology, my son paused for a minute and said, “you know mom, I like that you don’t just write about being brave. I like that you go out and do it too.”
And my heart melted just a tiny bit. Not because I’m getting it right everyday, friends. I mess this brave thing up all of the time. Sometimes I step into the water kicking and screaming a bit. Okay, a lot. Lots of kicking and screaming. But my heart melted because this is becoming the language of my life. It’s leaching out to the little people in my home and they see it for what it is. They keep me honest because these growing kids can see right through me – right through my words, they see actions.
As adults we lie to ourselves quite easily. We say things like “line dancing just really isn’t my thing” and we believe it. So do our friends. We give each other a free pass on being a chicken all too often. Saying yes to line dancing doesn’t change the world, but learning to say yes and conquer fear just might, friends. It just might.
So are you ready? Line dancing opportunities don’t come up every day but brave opportunities are around every corner if your eyes are wide and ready. And I want to help you get started becoming brave.
I’ve created a list of 100 Ways to Exercise Your Brave. Some of these might be easy for you – those ones aren’t for you then. But I guarantee there are some things on that list that will stretch you and grow you and scare you. Do them. Make yourself say yes to some of them.
Grab your spouse or a friend. Brave is contagious so hop on board together and let your courage inspire and motivate each other to start a conversation that matters and grow your brave!
Be the friend that coaxes someone else onto the dance floor.
Simply enter your email address at the form in the sidebar and download the 100 ideas to get you started. If you have a friend that would love this use the share buttons below so they can sign up and get started becoming brave as well.
I can only imagine how our lives, our world might be changed, if we all decided to live just a little braver.
Ready to get your copy? Sign up below and I’ll send it right over!
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How do I get to the list of 100 things if I’m already an email subscriber? I’m sorry if this is kind of a stupid question, I’m still learning my way around 🙂 Thanks!
Hi Karin! I’m glad you asked! I sent the list out via e-mail to all current subscribers earlier this week, but I’d happy to re-send it to you right now. Just keep an eye on your e-mail and make sure it doesn’t get sidelined into the junk folder. Thanks for being a subscriber!
Oops, I must have missed it the first time. Thanks for taking the time to re-send it to me!
also called “stepping out in faith” 🙂
Yes, this is something God has been teaching me, because often, the things He asks us to do are scary…but when we give Him a “yes”, we get to see His glory in new and very special ways. 🙂
Exactly! There is so much to be learned through those brave moments. I’m glad to hear you’re stepping!
Reading your Brave blog has helped me reframe my thinking this morning. I have been fearful of “starting over.” I now see it as starting something new and I know God is walking me through it. Only with God can I be brave.
So very true, Kathy! Wishing you the very best as you take these brave steps!
What a great post, Katie!
I love this!
I hate to try new things, but I also hate to miss out!
And, I’m looking forward to reading the 100 ways to be brave!
Hope you have a blessed night~
Baby steps, right? No skydiving, just baby steps. And I already think you do brave quite well – you do all kinds of things I find scary!
Katie, I loved this so much. I have stood on the sidelines many times, afraid of looking silly. But that has to stop. I love that you stepped out. I am inspired to do the same. Time to be brace!
I meant “brave”
Yeah, Rhiannon! We’re doing brave together! <3
I love this analogy! Faith is the same muscle that we need to exercise to be BRAVE 🙂 I have some weddings coming up this year and I am going to remember your words as I dance my way along the floor. If you think about it half of the crowd is usually there for the bride and the other for the groom so you know half the crowd and they are usually family and friends. The other half you probably won’t see again so we might as dance like we mean it and inspire others to join the floor! Many Blessings!!!
Exactly, Sheila. I wish you lots and lots of dancing!
I really like your quote in the second image. Brave is a muscle, hadn’t thought of it like that before. Thanks!
Thank you, Starla! I learned that concept form Michael Hyatt and it has really resonated with me.
So when are we going line dancing? I love the Old Testament stories and teaching kids about the bravery of Joshua, Deborah, and Gideon. Their bravery was in their obedience. “I like that you don’t just write about being brave. I like that you go out and do it.”❤️
Yes, yes, yes, Herminia. I need more line dancing. <3
Remind me the next time I see you to show you my Mother-Son wedding dance off to: Watch me Whip/Nae Nae, She’s a Maniac, Dirty Dancing theme song, and rap song “Love you mama”. Sometimes brave looks like silly, fun, and dancing like nobody’s watching❤️ For the sake of family and celebration🎉 Because all good things come from God.
I definitely need to see that! 🙂