We stood ankle deep in icy cold water, recently melted snow making it’s way down the mountain, and we stared at the natural waterfall. The vastness of creation is amazing.
As we watched, a few brave souls stepped to the edge, willing themselves out into the 40 foot drop off. It was fun to watch them from below, their approaches as varied as they were. Some were deliberate and calculated, other flagrant and flamboyant. Some stood and stewed and stared, ultimately turning back, apparently not as enticed when they had a front row seat.
My kids watched wide-eyed. Every brave can become a lesson, even if it’s not your brave.
Those cliff jumpers reminded me that our sense of adventure runs as deep and wide as the river we were standing in. The jumpers themselves were obviously out for adventure, but so were the onlookers. It just looked a little different for them.
As each potential jumper approached the edge, the 100 or so people spread out along the river below stopped what they were doing and watched. Some grabbed cell phones in an attempt to capture someone else’s brave. And they waited patiently.
One jumper languished in the tension. She stepped forward and she stepped back, forward and back again. She tossed her flip flops over the edge in hopeful determination. And while none of us were near enough to see her face we knew exactly what was going on in her mind. She was scared. We knew the feeling so well ourselves we could spot it from a mile away, feel it even. And when she finally jumped, cheers and whistles rang out from the banks of that river. Because every one likes to see brave win, one more fear defeated.
Taking that all in over the weekend, got me thinking about our sense of adventure. Our readiness to try new and hard and different. Sometimes it’s jumping off waterfalls or zip lining, adventures that get our pulse thumping. And sometimes it’s saying yes to our own lives. The adventures of everyday.
The distraction, the sickness, the interruptions, the job fails and the not going as planned, they are adventures just the same. Home with 4 kids, my day is full of them, but your life with co-workers, family members or friends who don’t quite view the world quite like you do, it’s really much the same. Conflict, tension, turn of events, adventures.
A sense of adventure is simply a willingness to dive into what is in front of us. We don’t always have to seek it out, sometimes it finds us. But we always have the choice.
David saw the giant and he dove in. Ruth saw the need and she dove in. I don’t think their adventures were what either of them expected or planned or maybe even wanted for their lives.
I’m sure Ruth planned to settle down with Mahlon, have some kids and call Moab her forever home. Who chooses to be widowed, to move to a foreign country with your mother-in-law and seek out another husband?
I’ve been weighed down lately by some hard stories. Stories of loss, stories of life not turning out like we hoped, or expected or planned. Stories of life not being fair.
I’m sure David and Ruth and thousands of others before us felt the same way. But history was changed by those who accepted the adventure right in front of them. Those who chose not to languish in what was or could have been, those who chose not to walk away, give up or cower because it was just too hard, but those who accepted what they were dealt, fought for something beautiful and became key contributors in a far greater adventure than they had ever imagined.
Waterfall jumping is a fun feat. But jumping into the adventure of your life, stepping in to what God is doing right in front of you, even when it feels bitter and painful and hard, that is the stuff of legacy. That is what I want to be known for. That is brave.
I don’t know what tomorrow holds for any of us, but may we all choose to accept the adventure, bravely.
Rarely in my life have I thought of myself in terms of brave. Cowering in the face of conflict, or confrontation; reverting back to a little girl who was abused. I pray God make me brave in situations, that He give me the boldness to face down all my fears after all He tells us He did not give us a spirit of fear…. I have a situation coming up where I have to confront a problem in the church. A church I don’t belong to but the Lord has placed me in, in several capacities. I will put on my armor and stand firm in whatever form of brave He asks of me.
Your resolve is beautiful, Niki. Confrontation is never easy, but understanding where courage comes from is the best place to start. Saying a prayer for grace and understanding as you bravely follow Him. <3
This really hit me hard as I’ve been praying for God to help me decide on a major career change that requires A LOT of being brave! This really gives me encourages me to go for it and depend on God for the rest!
Wow, Jennifer, my stomach did a little a flip for you. Major career changes are big deal! 🙂 Praying that you hear Him more clearly than ever and have a brave big enough to follow. That is the best kind of adventure!
Katie!! You have inspired my heart today-living in fear does not bring glory to God…waking up, trusting in Him for each new day and hoping in His goodness..that is a GREAT adventure!! Thank you for such an inspiring and “go get em!” post!! God Bless you for being adventurous, and encouraging others to as well 🙂 xoxo
Aw, I sure appreciate your encouragement, Shawna. Thank you! We’re on this adventure together!
I have to say that being retired and living in a mountain community, without my church family, I would feel a bit isolated. I put what little energy I have into raising two thoroughbreds from conception to setting them off on their life paths. I am taking one to the California Thoroughbred Breeders Association auction this Saturday, she will be HIp 218. The entire experience is something I am grateful that I had the vision and courage to move forward in. I am having a hard time parting with the filly who is leaving, but I have to see this as one of her and my life’s adventures, and God willing it will be fun, loving and fruitful for the both of us. It is difficult, but it has been an adventure, and pray Heavenly Father will guide and protect her throughout her life.
What an awesome adventure, Burtee! I would think there are so many life lessons to be learned through that entire process. Wishing you the very best this Saturday!