Friends, it is an honor to welcome Teri Lynne Underwood to the blog today! She brings the kind of wisdom and encouragement that comes only from years of experience. Last week she released her book Praying for Girls: Asking God for the Things They Need Most (*affiliate link) and today she is delivering some straight talk on raising daughters who choose humility. These were words I needed to hear and I think you will love them as well! ~Katie
Our daughters face challenges far more insidious than the ones many of us encountered when we were their age. Social media has changed not only the way we interact with others but it has impacted the ways we define and understand ourselves.
This selfie world has opened a Pandora’s box of ways to be self-centered and self-absorbed — and to have those qualities viewed as normal.
So what are we as moms to do?
3 Reasons to Pray for Your Daughter to Have a Humble Heart
One of the most significant lessons I have learned in seventeen years of parenting is the priority of prayer. Not just praying for specific needs and issues as they arise but, perhaps even more importantly, praying for the qualities and attributes to help her navigate life in a way that reflects Christ and His presence in her life.
Humility is one of the most visible evidences of a life submitted to Christ. Especially in a world that centers around drawing attention to ourselves, raising girls who are humble and kind is one of the most counter-cultural things we can do.
As I’ve prayed for my daughter to learn humility, I’ve discovered three beautiful results of a humble heart in her life.
A humble heart seeks cooperation over competition.
So often our girls are in situations that pit them against each other, forcing them to compete. But raising girls who are humble opens the door for them to value cooperation and celebration over competition. In middle school, my daughter auditioned for a solo in a school program. When she didn’t get selected, her first response was to point out how much her friend who was chosen deserved the opportunity. That sort of attitude and genuine desire to see others succeed stands out and is something we should pray for and nurture in our girls (and, honestly, in ourselves).
A humble heart values connection over comparison.
In a world where every picture has a filter, our daughters are comparing themselves to caricatures that don’t reflect reality. As moms, we know the dangers of comparison. Praying for our girls to have humble hearts can be one of the most significant prayers we offer on their behalf. Imagine the impact your daughter could have if she viewed others as opportunities to connect rather than opportunities to compare. Raising girls who value connection with others and feel confident in themselves as well as their identity in Chris,t is a goal well worth praying for, don’t you think?
A humble heart chooses caring over conniving.
If your girl hasn’t encountered a mean girl yet, she will. But let’s not imagine our own daughters don’t have a little bit of conniving in their own hearts sometimes too. Praying for a humble heart in our girls is important because girls with humble hearts are caring people. As our daughters focus on caring for others and placing their interests above their own, they will be far less likely to manipulate or mastermind a situation for their own gain. I don’t know about you, but I pray for my daughter to deeply care for others.
Praying for our girls to have humble hearts won’t eliminate all the difficulties they will face in relationships but it will give them a solid foundation for working through those difficulties in a way that honors Christ.
Teri Lynne Underwood is a pastor’s wife, ministry speaker, and Bible teacher. As the founder of, Teri Lynne is a cheerleader for girl moms and the author of Praying for Girls: Asking God for the Things They Need Most.
Katie, thank you so much for inviting me to share with your readers today. Such an honor!!
xoxo, Teri Lynne
Such a gift to learn from you Teri! Thank you for speaking life here! <3