I couldn’t help but be a bit rattled by the Supreme Court’s ruling last Friday. Not surprised, but rattled.
The world looks different than it did 20 years ago, 10 years ago, 5 years ago. So much different.
It’s all changing so fast and yet so slowly, gradually, at the very same time. Like raising kids, I guess. The days are long, but the years are short. The same is true with mindsets, slowly changing, day by day. In the span of just a few years so much has shifted, nothing looks the same.
All of this means my kids are being raised in a world very different from the one I was raised in. They will be exposed to things, see things, I never even knew of at their age.
It would be naive to think Friday’s decision changed all of this. It didn’t.
But it would be naive to think Friday’s decision didn’t have an impact. It did.
There will be legal and social pressures for mainstream conformity. It will affect businesses. Public education. It will affect you, and me and our children. Because the world, our world, will begin to look different.
I base my foundation for right and wrong on the Bible. I choose Christ as the ultimate authority in my life, my world, my future. But I live in a country, while founded on such principles, has legally chosen otherwise. Precedent has been set.
And so, I’m rattled. I don’t know what it looks like to live in a country that formally professes and legally decides to oppose scripture. I’m not sure what it looks like to raise kids in a world where opposing values run rampant, where black and white have seemingly muddied to a gray we cannot see through.
We’ve taken it easy friends, taking our naps on comfy church pews and thinking that the culture would take care of itself, that we don’t need to affect change, that we can blend in. We can do our normal Sunday check in without appearing too weird.
But the culture changed without us, in spite of us. And if we are not careful, we will change right along with it.
And we read the Old Testament and thought the Israelites were idiots. How did they turn their backs on Him again? Stiff-necked people.
It’s easy for me to be frustrated, for me to fear what the future looks like for our country, our children. But that is neither novel, nor productive. We’ve already been commanded as to what we are to do with that fear.
Action always trumps fear. So I will pray. I commit to praying for our country. I will pray that God will be revealed through this like nothing we have ever seen. I pray that we as Christians will wake up in our pews. That we will engage culture with conviction and kindness with grace and with truth.
Playing Christian isn’t enough anymore. It never was enough.
I pray that we will love well in the fallout and hurt, in the brokenness that is inherent to separation from Him. No matter what the highest court in any nation says.
I pray that we will be steadfast in hope. That we will teach our children Truth. That we will live Truth.
And when the time comes for us to stand, I pray we will stand bravely. Bravely and unashamed of a powerful God.
This isn’t about one sin, friends. I loved how my pastor reminded us of that yesterday. A sin, is a sin, is a sin. And I’m every bit as guilty as the next guy.
This is about a country, a people, who have continually and intentionally chosen to walk away from God’s law. It does not go unnoticed, friends.
Yet there is hope. There is hope because love won. Not last Friday, but many years ago. On a cross. There is hope because death was conquered and sin was defeated. There is no greater love than this. Yes. Yes, indeed. Love won.
Yes love won all those years ago. We just have to stand fast and bravely for Jesus until he returns.
Very well spoken. I worry about what’s coming next. I just pray the Lord comes soon.
I’m with you there, Tami. But until then, we have work to do! 🙂 Thanks for reading.
Oh Katie this is what I needed to hear.Instead of stating my views I have shied away from sharing.Being raised Pastors kid and giving my life to him personally at age 3 I have always believed that I stood for traditional marriage but now having a sister who is openly a lesbian I felt like I was forced into acceptance.You inspire me to know its OK to stand up and say how I really feel,to stand up for my precious children and to root myself deeper in Jesus.Thanks Katie I will be sharing your blog link.
Thank you for sharing, Missy. This is a topic I want to tread on carefully and prayerfully but I believe there is always a way to respectfully and lovingly disagree. Truth is truth and sometimes that feels offensive. But more often than not, the heart with which we address the issues, shows.
NAILED IT! and yes – we gotta stand up for the truth- now more than ever! 😀
One of my favorite posts you’ve written.
…fearful of the future but no need to be because we know who holds the future. We’ll have to choose brave and teach our children the same.
Yes there is first shock, then anger, then fear, but then there’s Brave! And that gives hope and hope is in Christ! Well done, well said.
Spot on, Katie! We, and the next generations of believers in the truth of scripture will have to stand brave in the trials that are yet to come. Thank you for reminding us of the hope and love we rest in our Savior, Jesus Christ.
So nice to hear from you, Brenda! Thank you!
Wow, Katie, well said. Now that needs to be echoed over and over again across our nation. Truth and God’s love has to and will prevail.