Last year I set one resolution. Just one.
Read more books.
I couldn’t even define more at the time. I’ve never tracked how many books I’ve read in a given year so I didn’t really know what more looked like. But I did know that I wanted fewer Facebook minutes, fewer television minutes, fewer distracted minutes and more minutes of the meat and growth, the insight and ideas that often leak out from the pages of good books.
I tried to play fair and not overshoot it. Two books a month sounded doable so I scratched out a goal – 25 books in 2015.
*this post may contain affiliate links which support this blog
I told a few good friends about my goal, friends who would keep me accountable and help hold me to it, and I made a simple strategy to always know what I would be reading next. A book at the ready, always.
I started the year with Daring Greatly, and was completed captivated by Brene` Brown and the concept of living brave. Vulnerable and scary, brave. It set the tone for my year and permeated my outlook.
A book or two later I was at the library, planning my next move and on a whim (except, I don’t really believe in whims) I grabbed a copy of Living Well, Spending Less. I thought the title sounded like my marriage. I’m the living well, he’s the spending less. It’s our greatest strength and our greatest struggle wrapped in one. This book seemed like a good fit.
I had no idea the book was a new release from popular blogger, Ruth Soukup. I was just reading books, working on a goal. I made my way through the book quickly and did my best to follow the actionable steps at the end of each chapter. Write out 3 monthly goals. No problem.
1) Organize the family photos.
2) Finish reading this book and begin that one
I was short a goal. I needed one more goal for the month of February.
A day or two later, I looked up Ruth Soukup’s website, aptly named Living Well Spending Less. The top post announced an essay contest. Entry was open to anyone and the prize was a Caribbean cruise. Nice. I jotted down “enter essay contest” beside the other goals neatly listed in my planner and I slammed it shut.
Craziness. I’m not a writer.
Determined to be true to my goals, in the waning days of February I wrote an essay titled “Be Brave”, based on the Brene` Brown book that I fell in love with. That essay didn’t win me a Caribbean cruise, darn it, but being chosen as a finalist put my words in front of thousands of people. People who would then encourage me to write, encourage me to blog, encourage me to throw down the kind of brave I just wrote about.
At the same time, about a year ago, I began attending a six week Bible study one of my friends was hosting. I should tell you, I’m not big on group Bible studies. Time away from home and kids is hard for me to come by and I’m perfectly content studying my Bible on my own so I don’t really do the group Bible study thing often. As in, once every ten years.
But this friend of mine, she’s one of my favorites. Hosting a study wasn’t her thing, this was brave for her and I wanted to support that. So I went. For her.
And in that study (Restless) Jennie Allen referenced her anything prayer. As in, God, whatever it is, whatever you have for me, I’m in. Anything.
I kind of hated the idea. I mean, I’m willing to do lots of things for God, lots of really good things, but anything? Really, anything? I thought about it for weeks. But, it scared me. Big, Scary, scared me.
And then I mustered up enough courage and prayed it. Quietly, trembling on the inside, I prayed it. Anything, God. Anything.
It makes me teary friends. Teary that it’s that hard to lay my mess of a self down before the One who gave His life for me. Teary that the butterflies in my tummy, the fears of the unknown or what other people will think rage louder than the truth that I profess to believe. But it’s real. And it’s hard. The dying to self is always hard.
2015 was a pretty eventful year for me. Messy and challenging, exciting and brave. And it started with one goal. Read more books. A book I grabbed on a “whim”. A Bible study I went to, for a friend.
What if it’s never really about the resolution, friends? What if it’s about the forming and shaping, the little steps of obedience along the way? What if it’s about listening closely, flowing hard and one tiny step? Faithfulness and steadfastness? What if it’s about our messy lives, our humble gifts tangled up with all of that and all of Him and all of it offered up, bravely?
I long surpassed my goal last year. I read dozens of books. But my year, it was never about the books. Not even close.
As you make your goals and resolutions for the year – and do make them, they’re a life-changing kind of fabulous – know that we are always, always part of a greater story. Offer those goals up to the One who is truly able, fully knowing that He has big things for you this year. Big things, when you are humbly willing to offer it all – everything and anything – up to Him.
Wishing you the happiest of New Years, a sweet ’16.
I’m inspired by this post, Katie. It’s so wonderful, to see God’s hand directing you and to read about you, following bravely, in obedience, and the amazing blessings that have come out of that. It was fun to hear how you got started with your blog, too!
I keep track of the books I read each year with a Pinterest board. Like a little kid, I get excited when I finish one and can pin it to my board. Also, it’s a handy reference if I forget the name of a book I read. And…I compare the number of books I read each year to the last, always trying to read more. ; )
Thank you for linking up with Grace and Truth (I’m a new host there). I’ve chosen your post to be featured on Friday because I think it will inspire and encourage many other people to walk bravely, in obedience to God, as it did for me.
Thanks so much, Dawn! I’m planning on starting a Pinterest board to track for 2016 too. Now I know I where to look if I need more book ideas. 😉 I love that you are helping Grace & Truth and am honored that you’ll be using this post. Blessed to be on this journey with you!
When I find posts and blogs like this that inspire me, i refer to them as gems. I delight in finding gems. Now I shall go through and read every single post. Thank you Brave Katie and thank God for Pinterest.
Your comment made me smile, Sapphire. I’m so glad you stopped by and, yes, God can even use Pinterest. 😉
I found you through Grace & Truth Linkup and just love your writing style and the heart behind your writing. I have read a lot of blogposts through linkups over the years. Your conversational writing style and the way you keep readers engaged while encouraging them is wonderful. It stood out to me enough to write you a little comment here. It takes us a while of walking with Jesus before we truly learn that He is so much more into the process, the relationship and the heart than He is our end result. The end result is in the bag (He will do what He sets out to do in and through us and we will spend eternity with Him enjoying Him and giving Him the worth He is due in sinless fellowship with one another). The process is the stuff of life. So glad you shared here. It was a great reminder and good food for thought.
Thank you so much for taking the time share this encouragement, Patty. I really do appreciate your kind words. And you are exactly right. I’m learning to be thankful for this “stuff of life” because the unexpected really is beautiful. Even more so, when we know how the story ends.
This makes me feel better about how I work my way through a list of goals. I get off track, but sometimes that is right where I am suppose to be. I just wrote a post about finding Joy in the Journey. Hope you have a wonderful year!
Thank you, Tara! I love that, “I get off track , but sometimes that is right where I am supposed to be.” Exactly. Wishing you the best as you bravely fight for joy this year!
I have enjoyed your blog for the last couple of months; it is truly encouraging for those of us still working on our badge of bravery. This one was so special because I got to learn about your start, while I’m getting ready to start a blog of my own. I’ve put God on hold long enough. I’m not a skilled writer, but have been taking advantage of every opportunity to learn as much as I can…hence, finding your blog, reading and enjoying it. I just love your writing!
Continued blessings to you in 2016 and thank you for your encouragement for us all to be a little braver.
How exciting, Laura! I’ve been blessed to meet some awesome ladies along the way who have helped answer questions and point me in the right direction. I’m still learning myself, but if I can help you in any way let me know. I’m rooting for you!
the one resolution that we should all make for 2016 is for improved relationships with God
2016 and every year there after. <3
This post makes me teary also as I got to walk beside you and pray for you in this journey. Your brave has encouraged me. Hugs to you my friend.
Ah, but it’s praying friends like you who make me brave in the first place! So thankful for you!!
Love learning about how this all came about Katie. Good for you for being open to God’s “anything”!!
Thank you, Tammy! I have a feeling you know just what that is all about. 🙂
This is beautiful encouragement, Katie! As a writer, one of my goals is to READ more in 2016! So your post encourages me with that. It’s good to see how the books you read became part of your life.
Blessings to you as you begin a brand new year! #GraceandTruth
Thank you, Betsy! I’ve always enjoyed reading but I find I really do need to be intentional about it if I want it to happen. I’m glad you are planning to pick up more books in 2016; I’m right there with you. And who know where that may lead us! 😉
Life is like taking a trip to one place, and ending up somewhere unexpected, even more interesting than what you originally planned. If our trips and life always turned out exactly as we expected or planned, the journey would be boring and predictable. Instead, it’s exciting and surprising and a lot more fun. thanks for sharing your “road less travelled”.
So much truth there, Aletha! I am looking forward to another year of unexpected. Thanks so much for stopping by!
Awe… I love this post! That favorite friend of yours sounds pretty amazing! 😉
I have often wondered what God had in that season for me, selfishly I am always looking for what is God doing in my life. This is extremely encouraging to hear that the one person in that group (you) that I thought needed this the least was being moved by Him.
Makes it all worth it!
Your faithfulness is something I strive for. Brave living…my new yrs resolution.
Oh yeah, she’s great! 😉 It’s interesting to realize how your obedience can be used in ways you never really realize and sometimes never even hear about. Thank you for being obedient, friend. I’m crazy blessed to know you.
Good job!
Why thanks, Mom! 😉